This fall was super busy, so when fall ended I totally dropped the ball on the camera and have taken a very long rest, too long. Now I'm just upset that it has taken me so long to blog about all the wonderful families I had this past year. I also planned on doing a personal photo project but that's like going to the gym January 1st. Since I didn't start the diet that magical New Years Day, all is lost. Who starts a diet February...what day is it?
This will be the third year that I make it my goal to blog about each family individually. Obviously last year I was unsuccessful, so why repeat this insanity when I clearly keeping failing each year? Because each of these dang families deserve their own blog post! Last year I did manage to do a few families before I gave up and this year I'm determined to make it even more. There are even a few people still waiting for pictures...from last and best friend, someday...someday...soonish ;)
So I originally planned to do a huge massive blog post that had all my sessions, I worked ALL day on it, when I was done it wouldn't save. I made the pictures smaller, nope. I deleted some of my lesser favorites, which was hard, nope. I thought about collaging some of the images but that made me angry, I selected my favorites and they should all fill the screen instead of being shrunk down. I deleted session after session and finally it saved these five families. I will be blogging the rest over the next few days and I hope you all enjoy the images as much as I have!
Nicole, my cousin, and the session I'm starting with, nagged me (sometimes thats the only way) to get her pictures done from the family reunion, way back from the beginning of the summer. Joe, Nicole, Maddie and Ellie also came to visit us in the fall, so of course I wanted to do some more photos for them! Already she is planning a spring session, so Chicago friends I'll be seeing you in the springtime, I know a couple of babies that need their pictures taken!!
In the fall
It is always a dream come true when a family treats their session as any other day at the park. The first thing Melissa said to me was "we just wore our everyday clothes" and I'm thinking "awesome!" And that's exactly what their session was, awesome. We went to one of their favorite parks, and it was really great just sitting back and watching them be together. Thank you Penningtons, I honestly left that day thinking about how much fun I had!
This gorgeous girl has her momma's eyes! I knew Melissa way back when we worked in the video department at Dierbergs. It was fabulous meeting her family and catching up over the past...15 to 20 years...good lord! Seriously Maddie has got some drop dead gorgeous eyes! Seriously she has the best personality too! She was not hard to warm up to!
The Lee Family! I have been photographing this family for a long time now! Isabella has always been very quiet around me, but this year, totally different! I love her little personality! James, who is not going to fall in love with your big smile!!
Right after the Lee Family, I had the Conaways, we celebrated fall and Maggie turning 18 months! Maggie was born a week after Jacob, so whenever he hits a milestone I think of Maggie too! I always look forward to hearing from them, they are such a sweet family and I love how Rosie, their dog, always joins us for our shoots (still their first baby)!