2015 Review

January 01, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

I haven't had a lot of time to look at my own photos until now, and while I still have some work to get caught up on, it was nice to finally take the time and look at my family. Although, as I was going through the year, I realized there are still some images that haven't made it off the SD cards. Being a photographer, you would be surprised at how unbound I feel towards my camera, a lot of our special moments go un-photographed. To remedy the lack of photos I take of my own family, I attempted a photo project, it lasted all of three months. Some of my favorite photos came from two of those months, but I lost all steam by the third. I'm not saying I feel bad about not having one single picture of the boys birthdays...but I am grateful for the few moments that I do catch.

I'm excited for our 2016, Jacob is starting school in a week, AHHHH!!! I also have something new going on, but I have no solid details so I'm keeping it zipped till I have more to share!

I'm stealing this quote from my cousin, who saw it from someone else's blog. As I was adding all my images, I thought of it and it took me a crazy amount of time to find, a CRAZY amount of time, I don't think it's the even the one I was looking for, but dang! Close enough. Anyway, I obviously remembered it for a reason and I think it applies to our lego moments, letting Winnie outside moments, raking the leaves, soccer games, school, washing the dishes...all those mundane moments.

“Life is made up of ordinary days” is a favorite quote of mine. I can still remember my first moment of “ordinary days”. It was soon after coming home from my honeymoon. The year before had been full of meeting my husband, being wooed, getting engaged, and planning a wedding. And an extraordinary day…all eyes were on us. Then, we were just another couple, learning, growing, going to work, and paying bills. Days, months, and a year went by, and then a new adventure: I was a mother to be. Well, the baby arrived, the grandparents glowed, the gifts arrived, and then Dad and grandma went back to work and I began a new set of “ordinary days”. This extraordinary event happened 3 more times in the next 10 years. Now, with each child came more “ordinary days” and some “extraordinary ones”: first teeth, walking, potty training, school, puberty, driving, graduations, and a wedding. The quote”extraordinary days” are few and far between, but the “ordinary days” are what make up the in-between. Those are the days when seeds are sown, prayers are prayed, and forgiveness is exchanged.



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