
September 14, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

When you have your very own very small "photography business" you don't expect to get too many seniors.  I lucked out because my aunt is such a talker, and she talked me up, she has always been very supportive!  Eileen is my aunt's massage therapists daughter, and if you need a massage I hear she is very good, my aunt followed her when she started her own business, which is Yue Ma Massage.  Eileen and her mom, Yue Ma, were wonderful to work with, I really enjoyed talking with them and planning our session.  They were very comfortable and relaxed and open to all my ideas, and I loved that I got to try so many different poses and areas around the SLU campus.  I guess I forgot to mention that Eileen is not actually a senior but started as a freshman this year! Anyway, we started off at the Moolah Movie Theatre, which is such an amazing building and then heading over to the Chipotle across the street because they had this great orange concrete wall (see very open to ideas Ha!) then we double backed and strolled the campus, which is so beautiful. For as long as I have lived in St. Louis, I can't believe I have never visited the campus!! It was a hot day so why not finish up in a fountain!! I hope Eileen enjoyed the day as much as I did, I can not express enough how much fun I had and how invigorating this photo shoot was!! I would love to do some more fashion type shoots around the downtown area, I hope I don't have to wait for all my one and two year olds to grow up!! Ha!  Some of my moms can pretend to be senior models right?! If I have any takers let me know, especially someone that owns a satin purple jumpsuit, wink wink!! The first few are on me!!



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